Tuesday 11 October 2011


I have to write about flashbyte by cat connor..but I'm going to read the awesomeness again before i write about it.
So what else is there to write about? why zombies of course!, there is a little bit of a problem with my head right now though..it really wants to explode and i really would like my brains to stay in my head, why make it easy for the zombies to eat my brains? that would be very silly, i want to survive the zombie apocalypse not hand them my brains on a silver platter (well i guess it would be more on a wall and all over my computer)

Ive been thinking about zombie animals and i really hope that when the zombie apocalypse comes its not the type that turns animals (ahh my brains, my poor poor brains) there are so many animals, they would be very hard to hide from. Stay away from crazy chemicals that might turn things zombie because they would turn animals.

I'm being whinged at and i lost my train of thought..it crashed into another train and all the thoughts died

OK back zombies and the zombie apocalypse i have some plans some very good plans to survive, some of them are a wee bit experimental and i don't think many people would want to try them..but that's ok, I'll survive and they wont mwahahahahahahahahaha

my heads still trying to explode, i was hoping coffee would help but i don't think the magic is working!

almost spat out my coffee at the thought of  fly-swatting oompa loompas (imagine it, its so funny) (then imagine they're zombie oompa loompas) (creepily entertaining i think)

ok i really have to do something about my head before the zombies get my brain

and you know what that means don't you?

Monday 18 July 2011

dogs and poles

went to my undramatic friends for dinner tonight (yes i think there is only one undramatic one), was great, good feed, kids got all fizzy drinked up and played on the pole in her lounge and discovered the joys of rocking chairs, and they got to meet the dog...
 caeds was dying to meet the dog but conman enjoyed it the most, the poor dog hasn't really been around kids apart from some mean neighbours throwing stones at him (if your kids do that, throw some at them see how they like it coz they should know better, and quite frankly you should of taught them better its really not that hard) so the dog was a bit scared and he growled a little and conman thought its was so funny he loved it...fearless that kid is, tho i think even tho the dog was a bit scared too he quite enjoyed it, i imagine its nice meeting little ppl that are nice.
another friend met the dog at a party and it growled at her and now shes convinced it hates her... maybe it should for being such a wuss?, the dog had a whole bunch of strangers in his house its not really the best time to judge if it likes you now is it?

ppl are soo stupid, damn you god for making so many of them (not ppl, just stupid ppl, would be good if he made more un-stupid ones) (if i believed in god)

day 1 of the holidays down...

and you know what that means don't you??

Sunday 12 June 2011

drama queens

i wish people would be less dramatic.. just decide what you want and go and get it or do it, its really quite simple, you don't need to talk about it or complain about it no one even needs to know just do it and you definitely don't need to cry about it, people just don't wanna hear it especially if you're not even going to try and do anything about it there aren't usually that many things that people cant control and turning things into a big deal isn't going to give you any good kind of attention!!.
If you carry on with the same old dramas all the time pretty soon it wont give you any attention at all because people get sick of it, its even worse when you have solutions given to you and you don't take them, that shows that you just like drama and being a drama queen is not attractive, not at all

Thursday 9 June 2011

a long sick kinda day

its a loud loud tiring day, you would think having a sick kid it would be pretty easy to get them a dr appt but no that would be wrong, it doesnt matter that they were really sick during the night if theyre feeling better in the morning you have to wait..when they get worse as they day goes by then its ok theyre allowed an appointment, i bet most the ppl at the drs today only have colds surely thats something not worth wasting the drs time over? they should just stay home and keep their germs to themselves. i dont appreciate playing the waiting game. i bet if i ever do end up at the drs there will be alot of waiting there there always is, why cant ppl stick to their 15mins? or make another appt (ok so maybe thats hard to do sometimes), its not hard to stick to your 15mins though it never seems to take me anywhere near 15 mins and it seems its the same for most the ppl i know..so why are they always running so late? im sure the worst ppl to leave waiting are sick ppl.